Translation Network

This grant is not currently offered.

The Society for the Humanities announces the 2022-23 Translation Network, an experimental initiative designed for faculty, academic staff, and graduate students actively engaged in translations of works into English. One applies as an individual. Successful individual applicants will then form one Translation Network of 4-7 people that will meet regularly to workshop individual translations-in-progress.

Funds for the Translation Network are intended to support activities related to the work of translating, to be carried out throughout one academic year. Grants of up to $500 per participant will be made available to groups of 4-7 participants. Preference will be given to those who have translation projects currently in progress and under contract.

The Translation Network will be expected to schedule meetings occurring regularly enough that each member can present work-in-progress twice during the course of the year. Such sessions should offer substantive group discussion of each translation-in-progress. Groups may schedule other, optional activities as desired.

Faculty and graduate students working in the humanities are eligible to apply. Applications should present a brief description of the translation project; a timeline of what one plans to workshop during the year of the Translation Network; a short budget.

The competition will be adjudicated by the Humanities Council.

Please note: support for individual faculty translation projects is also available via Humanities Research Grants.

Application Guidelines

Eligibility: All Cornell faculty, academic staff, and graduate students engaged in translation projects are eligible to apply.

Applicants should submit the following materials as one .pdf file:

  1. A short description of the translation project (language, length, genre, etc.) including a sense of its intended audience
  2. A plan of work (including a timeline) detailing what one proposes to workshop with the Translation Network
  3. If under contract, a copy of the contract
  4. A brief CV (5 pages maximum)
  5. A brief budget
  6. Graduate student applicants: under separate cover, a letter of support from committee chair. 

Deadline: March 24, 2023

Please send all application materials in a single .pdf to Amanda Brockner at [email protected].
