Humanities Corridor Working Groups

2024-25 CNY Humanities Corridor Call for Proposals

Proposal deadline: March 25, 2024


We welcome proposals by new and existing Working Groups comprised of faculty and academic staff at Syracuse University, Cornell University, the University of Rochester, Colgate University, Hamilton College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Skidmore College, St. Lawrence University, Union College, Le Moyne College, and Rochester Institute of Technology.

A Working Group is formed by individuals from Corridor-affiliated institutions in different locales/cities who come together to organize collaborative activities centered on a theme, concern, or issue in the humanities. Groups apply for Corridor funding to support their academic year activities. Many groups are open to new members, but proposals for new working groups are always welcome.

Working Group Activities take many forms, and the possibilities are endless—from a deep dive into a discipline to broad interdisciplinary queries, from convening to form writing groups, develop manuscripts or explore humanities methods, to advancing community engagement and taking up key social issues. Learn more about models of collaboration (including examples of digital collaborations) and browse current Corridor activities.

Proposal Categories

  1. New Working Group: Funding for new groups is up to $3000. Once your group is established, you may submit proposals as a Continuing Working Group in categories 2 and 3, below.
  2. Continuing Working Group: Established Working Groups may apply for up to $3,500-4,000 per award, not to exceed a cap of $7,000 across multiple awards within the same academic year. (Possible examples: proposing two $3,500 awards -or- three $2,300 awards, etc. where no single award exceeds $4,000 and multiple awards do not exceed $7,000 in total, within the same cycle).
  3. Signature Event: Ongoing Working Groups that have been active and successfully managing awards for more than two years may propose a high-impact, public Signature Event to involve three or more Corridor institutions (e.g., conference, exhibit, performance): awarded at up to $12,000.


  • March 25, 2024 for 2024-25 activities.

Working Groups

  • Each group needs Organizers who are faculty/academic staff from Corridor institutions. At least one Organizer in every Group must be from Cornell, Syracuse University, or University of Rochester. Organizers form groups and coordinate WG activities. You can belong to (or organize) more than one group.
  • Each WG activity needs an Organizer who is from the “host campus” for that activity.
  • All groups and activities involve members from Corridor institutions in 2 or more locales/cities.
  • Each group selects an interdisciplinary Research Cluster: Archives & Media (AM); Digital Humanities (DH); Historical Studies (HS); Humanities Futures (HF); Inequality & Social Difference (ISD); Linguistics, Semiotics, and the Study of Language (LIN); Literature, Language & Culture (LLC); Musicology / Performance Studies (MP); Philosophy/Critical Theory (PCT); Visual Arts & Culture (VAC).

Application Guidelines

  • Each working group should collectively submit one proposal encompassing all proposed activities via the online application form by March 25, 2024.
  • Details matter! Before you submit, read our Tips for a Successful Proposal.
  • Questions? If you have questions about crafting proposals, creating new Working Groups, selecting Research Clusters, or to learn how your ideas could fit Corridor frameworks, contact the Corridor’s administrative home at Syracuse University at [email protected].

About the Corridor

The Central New York Humanities Corridor is a unique regional collaboration designed to enhance the profile, scholarly prominence, and impact of interdisciplinary humanities in Central New York.

Cornell community members with questions about the Corridor may contact [email protected].

