Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Workshops

The is pleased to announce the launch of interdisciplinary, graduate student-led workshops. Over the course of the Spring semester, these seminar-style meetings will allow members of the Cornell community to share works-in-progress related to a specific theme of the applicants’ choice (ex. Documentary Forms, Migration, The History of Emotions).

Comprised of at least ten PhD students, workshop groups will meet three to four times over the course of the semester for two hours each. Sessions are required to have two faculty members in attendance at each meeting as dialogue partners, respondents and/or presenters, who are invited on an ad hoc basis by the workshop’s student coordinators. Each meeting will involve at least one pre-circulated paper (ideally two), a prepared response from another workshop participant, and open discussion and feedback from the group. Pre-circulated papers should be dissertation chapters in progress or article drafts. Groups will be allotted $500 per semester by the and cost-free use of space in the AD White House as availability allows. The use of funds must be pre-approved by the Society; coordinators can use the funds to provide refreshments for the group, to buy books or other media related to the seminar theme, and/or to bring in invited speakers from outside of the university (by Zoom or in person) to share works-in-progress. 


Depending on the nature of the proposal and success of the group, workshop coordinators may apply to meet for a second semester next fall. The hope is to foster a generous but structured environment in which students and faculty can engage in discussion about their evolving research interests.


Application Instructions:


  1. The application must be completed by two or three student coordinators from at least 2 departments and submitted via webform by Dec. 20 at 5pm. Late or incomplete materials will not be reviewed. (Please note: We will also run a call for fall groups during the spring grant competition.)
  2. Abstracts from approved applications will be sent to all humanities graduate students by Jan. 7 via departmental managers. Student coordinators must find at least ten participants (from at least three different departments) to secure funding. They should notify the Society as soon as that has been achieved and no later than January 25. Workshop participants should ideally be at different stages of the PhD. 
  3. Klarman Fellow Anna Shechtman ([email protected]) is available to help with any questions related to the application process.

