Projects Archive

Digital Humanities

Cornell-Toronto Digital Humanities Consortium (2009 – 2011)

The Society for the Humanities and the Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto engaged in a successful two-year pilot project in the Digital Humanities, which served as the breeding ground for subsequent colalborations in the Digital Humanities between the Society and the Library.

HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory)

The Society participates in the HASTAC consortium of humanists, artists, scientists, and engineers from leading nonprofit research institutions. Cornell is home to eleven HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) Scholars. HASTAC Scholars are students, both graduate and undergraduate, working across the areas of technology, the arts, the humanities, and the social sciences. They are the “eyes and ears” of HASTAC, “citizen journalists” engaged in participatory learning and experts on all matters digital. 

Project Bamboo

Initial Participation in Project Bamboo: an inter-organizational effort to advance arts and humanities research through the development of shared technology services.

Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art

Under the sponsorship of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art serves as a research repository of new media art and resources. The Society co-hosts regular lectures with Goldsen, and houses Archive researchers. Recent speakers invited to participate in the Rose Goldsen Lecture series include:

  • 2015-2016: Yang Geng (Assistant Professor of Media Arts, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China)
  • 2014-2015: Youngmin Kim (Director, Institute for Transnational Media and World Literature, Dongguk University, Seoul)
  • 2012-2013: Carol Seigel (Director, Freud Museum, London) and Renate Ferro (Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, Cornell University)
  • 2011-2012: Ranjana Khanna (Margaret Taylor Smith Director of Women’s Studies, Professor of English, Literature and Women’s Studies, Duke University
  • 2010-2011: Alexander R. Galloway (Media, Culture & Communication, New York University)
  • 2009-2010: Kaja Silverman (Class of 1940 Professor of Rhetoric and Film, University of California, Berkeley); Scott deLahunta (Research Fellow, Amsterdam School of the Arts)

Society for the Humanities/Cornell Library Digital Humanities Internship Program

In collaboration with the Society for the Humanities and Olin/Uris Library, CUL Digital Scholarship and Preservation Services (DSPS) is host a small-scale graduate student digital scholarship internship program during the summer. DSPS is joins forces with Olin/Uris Library to organize orientation and mentoring sessions for five graduate students in Arts and Sciences. The objectives of this program are: (1) To increase the use and visibility of CUL’s digital tools and resources, particularly among younger researchers; (2) To encourage a collaborative relationship between the library and the next generation of humanities scholars; and (3) To help graduate students expand their digital skills through projects that will make them more competitive in a changing academic landscape.


Early Modern Studies

An annual offering of lectures and colloquia co-sponsored by the Society for the Humanities, the Early Modern Studies Colloquia attends to comparative considerations of early modern culture, literature, and the arts.

  • Project Leaders: Rayna Kalas (English) and William Kennedy (Comparative Literature)
  • “Virtual Trans-Atlantic Seminar” involving Syracuse, Cornell, Trinity College Dublin, and University of Manchester


The Economy of Hope

The Economy of Hope by Hiro Miyazaki and Richard Swedberg

Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: Rethinking Temporality and Community in Eurasian Archaeology

Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: Rethinking Temporality and Community in Eurasian Archaeology

Edited by Kathryn O. Weber, Emma Hite, Lori Khatchadourian and Adam T. Smith.

Magnus Fiskesjö contributed a chapter: "Chinese Autochthony and the Eurasian Context: Archaeology, Mythmaking and Johan Gunnar Andersson's 'Western Origins.'" Chapter 12, pp. 303-320.

Local Knowledge, Global Stage

Local Knowledge, Global Stage

Edited by Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach

Histories of Anthropology Annual, Volume 10

The Twilight of Cutting African Activism and Life after NGOs

Call for Papers and Posters - open March 7, 2022

The ‘archaeological sciences’ today face a storm of controversies on scientific, archaeological, and ethical grounds, spanning the whole research process from project planning to interpretation and publication. Frontiers in Archaeological Science 3: Rethinking the Paradigm brings together scholars from diverse disciplines within archaeology to tackle these problems through lively discussion. Following the Frontiers in Archaeological Science conferences held in 2017 at Rutgers and in 2018 at Simon Fraser University, Frontiers 3 represents a departure from the previous conferences in this series. While preserving an interest in cutting-edge scientific techniques, this conference is focused on ethical and theoretical issues in archaeological science. We welcome presentations of new research or critical engagement with existing themes or datasets. This conference is a venue to discuss, confront, and reshape the role of the archaeological sciences in archaeology for a new generation.

Possible topics for papers and posters include (but are not limited to):

  • Health & inequality
  • People & climate
  • Communicating archaeological science research (to the public; within academia; to, with, by, and for communities)
  • Ethics & archaeological science
  • Agriculture, foodways, & sustainability
  • Materials & technology

Submissions to Frontiers 3 can be either posters or presentations of original research. Presentations will be 15 minutes long and held in sessions of 3-4 presentations each, followed by a 20 minute moderated Q&A panel with all speakers from that session (rather than the traditional Q&A). Abstract submissions should abide by the Code of Ethics of the World Archaeological Congress and adhere to a high standard of scientific and ethical practice.

Abstracts should be submitted by April 15, 2022 by email to [email protected]. Decisions will be made by May 31, 2022.

To streamline abstract submission, invited speakers should also submit their title and abstract to the email address above by the same deadline. 
