2009-10 Events

Rose Goldsen Lecture Series: Kaja Silverman

Wednesday, September 23, 4:30 p.m.
Guerlac Room, A.D. White House

Kaja Silverman
Class of 1940 Professor of Rhetoric and Film, University of California, Berkeley

The Twilight of Posterity

Co-sponsored by the Mellon Central New York Humanities Corridor

Dominick LaCapra Conference

September 25-26, 2009
A.D. White House

Repetition with Change: The Intellectual Legacies of Dominick LaCapra

For almost four decades, Dominick LaCapra has challenged the disciplinary and normative assumptions of scholars throughout the humanities. He helped to inaugurate and interpret the "linguistic turn" in the historical profession, exploring the relevance of literary theory for historical inquiry, while simultaneously making a case for careful historical study within literary and critical theory.

This conference will gather together LaCapra's former students and intellectual interlocutors who have taken up in their own work one or more of the theoretical challenges he has posed over the years. Papers will be grouped according to some of LaCapra's chief preoccupations that have persisted through the decades: historiography and critical theory, secularization, trauma and repetition, excess and normative limits, and animal-human relations. Together the papers will illustrate the vast range of work that LaCapra's theoretical reflections have inspired in intellectual history and beyond.

Friday, September 25

1:00 p.m. Opening Remarks

  • Timothy Murray and Jonathan Culler

1:30 p.m. Trauma and Affect

  • Chair: Jeremy Varon, The New School
  • Federico Finchelstein, The New School, The Holocaust as Ideology: Borges, Trauma and the Fascist Unconscious
  • Anna Parkinson, Northwestern University, What a Difference Repetition Makes: Recent Fantasies of the Silver Screen
  • Tracie Matysik, University of Texas at Austin, Blumenberg, Spinoza, and Self-Preservation

3:30 p.m. Sacred and Secular

  • Chair: Peter Gilgen, Cornell University
  • Samuel Moyn, Columba University, Bearing Witness: Theological Sources of a Secular Moral Imperative
  • Harold Mah, Queen's University, The Sacralization of the Secular: Barthes's Mythologies
  • Ethan Kleinberg, Wesleyan University, In/fintite Time: Tracing Transcendence to Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic Lectures

Saturday, September, 26

9:30 a.m. History and Psychoanalysis

  • Chair: Carolyn Dean, Brown University
  • Scott Spector, University of Michigan, Two Cultures: Freud Between German-Jewish Science and Humanism
  • Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg, Brown University, Little Hans and Dogs
  • Camille Robcis, Cornell University, French Psychoanalysis and Names-of-the-Father

11:30 a.m. Violence, Law, Memory

  • Chair: Isabel Hull, Cornell University
  • Ben Bower, University of Texas at Austin, Conceptions of War in Colonial Algeria: Just War, Jihad, and the "Good War"
  • Judith Surkis, Harvard University, Hymenal Politics: Marriage, Secularism, and Sovereignty
  • Gary Wilder, CUNY, From Historical Memory to the History of Time

2:00 p.m. Historiography

  • Chair: Michael Steinberg, Brown University
  • Jeremy Telman, Valparaiso University, Originalism and Its Discontents
  • Rebecca Spang, Indiana University, Bloomington, On the Use and Abuse of Historiography for Life
  • Jonathan Judaken, University of Memphis, A New Synthesis? Toward the Cultural History of Ideas

4:00 p.m. Roundtable

  • Kate Horning, Taran Kang, Peter Staudenmeier, Emma Willoughby, Franz Hofer
  • Comments by Lloyd Kramer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Funding provided by Society for the Humanities, Institute for German Cultural Studies, French Studies, History, English, Government, German Studies, Theatre, Film & Dance, Dean's Office of the College of Arts & Sciences

Annual Conference

October 23-24, 2009
A.D. White House

Spatialized Networks & Artistic Mobilizations: A Critical Workshop on Thought and Practice

Friday, October 23

1:45 p.m. Introduction

  • Tim Murray, Director, Society for the Humanities

2:00 p.m. Panel I

  • Convener: Milton Curry, Architecture, Cornell
  • Teddy Cruz, Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego, Adaptive Architecture

3:00 p.m. Panel II

  • Convener: Mary Jacobus, Society for the Humanities; CRASSH, Cambridge University
  • Keller Easterling, Society for the Humanities; Architecture, Yale, Disposition

4:30 p.m. Conversation

  • Dagmar Richter, Chair of Architecture, Cornell, with Teddy Cruz and Keller Easterling

Saturday, October 24

9:15 a.m. HASTAC Networked

  • Richard Guy, History of Architecture
  • Claudia Costa Pederson, History of Art
  • Seth Perlow, English
  • Ryan Platt, Theatre Arts

10:00 a.m. Panel III

  • Convener: Brett de Bary, Asian Studies, Cornell
  • Machiko Kusahara, Media Art, Waseda University, Japan, Vanishing Borders: Media Art, Design, and Popular Culture in Japan

11:15 a.m. Panel IV

  • Convener: Kevin Ernste, Music, Cornell
  • Kevin Hamilton, New Media, University of Illinois, From Legs to Fingers: Relational Mobilities at the Interface

1:45 p.m. Panel V

  • Convener: Pheobe Sengers, Information Science and Science & Technology Studies, Cornell
  • Geert Lovink, New Media, University of Amsterdam, Network Culture

2:45 p.m. Panel VI

  • Convener: Stephanie Owens, Art, Cornell
  • Paul Vanouse, Art University of Buffalo, Active Stimulation Feedback Platform

4:00 p.m. Thinking Networked Practice

  • Timothy Murray, Maria Fernandez, Timothy Campbell, Renate Ferro, Prita Meier

Co-sponsored by the Rose Goldsen Lecture Series 

New Socialist Climax

An ARTiSIMPLE Production
Produced by Jian Yi, Yale World Fellow
Directed by Jian Yi and Xiao Xiping (Douglas)
Edited by Song Ling (Eva)
2009, Chinese dialogue, English subtitles
80-minute draft edition

Monday, November 23, 4:30 p.m.
A.D. White House

Jian Yi discusses excerpts from his new documentary

Tuesday, November 24, 4:30 p.m.
Kaufmann Auditorium, Goldwin Smith hall

Screening of complete documentary

New Socialist Climax is a film by the independent documentary maker Jian Yi. The Film examines China's recent state-sponsored Red Tourism, a national campaign that brings tourists to the old Communist revolutionary bases. The film explores the different levels of reality involved - for both tourists and local population - at Mr. Jingganshan, cradle of the Chinese Communist revolution led by Mao Zedong. The Subject of Red Tourism epitomizes the changing and often confusing realities of China today, with its mingling of capitalism, rural economic stimulus and state-sponsored ideology. Documenting some underlying tensions, the film leaves viewers to make their own judgments.

Digital Humanities @ the Society

Monday, February 8, 4:30 p.m.
Guerlac Room, A.D. White House

Digital Humanities Meet Digital Arts

A public dialogue between:

Mary Flanagan, Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor in Digital Humanities, Dartmouth College

Tim Murray, Director, Society for the Humanities

Kent Kleinman, Dean of Architecture, Art & Planning

With added participation of Cornell contributors to the Cornell-Toronto Digital Humanities Consortium and Cornell's HASTAC Scholars

Sponsored by Society for the Humanities and the Mellon Central New York Humanities Corridor

Victoria Liu: Observations of Taoism and Chinese Consumerism

Items for sale within a Taoist temple
"Not only is Taoism politicized as a symbol of Chinese culture, but it has also been commercialized. Aside from the more traditional means of fortune-telling and blessing, Qingcheng Mountain has also expanded its service to an immersive experience of Taoism, allowing tourists to spend a night or so in Shangqing Palace. You do not to be a pious believer to experience the daily lives of Taoist priests (道⼠). Region is run as a business here."

Click here to read more about Victoria Liu's Fall 2019 trip to Chengdu.


Transfer Credit

Depending on your student status in relation to the Department of Performing and Media Arts (PMA), we may be able to grant credit toward the PMA major, or toward your overall credits for graduation, for coursework successfully completed elsewhere.

PMA Majors

If you are a declared PMA major, or a matriculated Cornell student intending to declare the PMA major, we will consider granting credit for courses taken elsewhere (e.g., through summer study at a peer institution, through Study Abroad, through prior college enrollment, etc.) to fulfill PMA major requirements. PMA majors or prospective majors are strongly encouraged to consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in PMA prior to Study Abroad or summer study elsewhere to discuss your program of study and the potential for courses to count toward PMA major requirements. Students should not assume that credit will automatically be granted toward the PMA major for work completed elsewhere, and requests for transfer credit are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In order to consider granting transfer credit, we will need your transcript from the other institution and the full syllabus for the course(s) to be reviewed. Credit toward major requirements can only be granted for courses that are comparable (in content, scope, credit level, etc.) to PMA required classes. Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies to arrange for the review of these materials.

Please note that no transfer credit will be granted toward PMA 2800: Introduction to Acting, or for the Production Laboratory requirement.

PMA Minors

We do not grant transfer credit for any of the PMA minors. All requirements for the minors must be fulfilled with PMA courses taken at Cornell or through Cornell-affiliated programs (e.g., Cornell-in-Washington, Cornell-in-Rome).
